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2021 March 24: WCC Version 2.1 Published

We’ve published a new version of the WCC today and there are some key changes for project developers and landowners to note: 

There is a new standard document, and new template documents for all stages (registration, validation and verification).  If you haven’t yet started on your documentation, please use the new Version 2.1 documents (Version 2.4 for the carbon calculator).  

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Exciting times for woodland carbon projects

A young woodland in West Lothian, Scotland, has become the first project in the UK to be ‘verified’ as continuing to meet the standards of the Woodland Carbon Code after ‘passing’ its first five-yearly progress inspection. 

UK Woodland Carbon goes on sale for the first time

The first units of carbon dioxide set to be sequestered, or removed from the atmosphere, by woodlands validated under the UK’s Woodland Carbon Code have been notified for sale for the first time as National Climate Week gets under way. 

UK Woodland Carbon Code launched on Markit Environmental Registry

UK Woodland Carbon Code launched on Markit Environmental Registry, enhancing transparency and accountability in the trade in British Woodland Carbon Units.  Carbon dioxide (CO2) sequestered, or absorbed, by WCC-validated woodlands in the UK can be traded, and the development enables changes of ownership of each tonne to be tracked. The registry will also record when projects are registered and credits are listed, and when carbon units have been “used” by a company in its carbon account. 

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Woodland Carbon Guarantee

Find out how to apply for the option to sell Woodland Carbon Units to government (England only).

Deadline for next auction: Friday 6 September 2024.

Register your planned project with the Woodland Carbon Code and the Guarantee team now.

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