UK Woodland Carbon Code


The Woodland Carbon Code is the quality assurance standard for woodland creation projects in the UK. 

Backed by government, the forest industry and carbon market experts, it generates high integrity, independently verified carbon units right here in the UK.

The code is internationally recognised for high standards of sustainable forest and carbon management. It is endorsed by ICROA, the global umbrella body for carbon reduction and offset providers in the voluntary market. 

The code is managed by Scottish Forestry on behalf of the Forestry Commission, Welsh Government and the Northern Ireland Forest Service.

Woodland Carbon Code projects provide social and environmental benefits for many communities across the UK. These include biodiversity and habitat creation, improvements in health and wellbeing, benefits for farming, local employment and educational opportunities.


ICROA Logo Line


Supported by robust science from Forest Research, independent validation and verification and a transparent registry where you can track ownership, transfer and use of credits, it allows your company to:

  • Reduce your net emissions: The UK Government's Environmental Reporting Guidelines show how you can use verified Woodland Carbon Units to compensate for your company's gross UK-based emissions.
  • Claim carbon neutrality: PAS 2060:2014 shows how verified Woodland Carbon Units can be used in claims of carbon neutrality of an activity, product, service, building, project or event in the UK.
  • Buy in advance and help with your pathway to net zero by 2050: Purchase units in advance of sequestration, helping to plan your pathway to net zero over the years to come.

Note: Companies can compensate for their UK-based emissions using carbon units from Woodland Carbon Code projects, but not for their emissions overseas or emissions from international aviation or shipping.


The Woodland Carbon Code is a registered trademark. Rules of use.

Woodland Carbon Guarantee

Find out how to apply for the option to sell Woodland Carbon Units to government (England only).

Deadline for next auction: Friday 6 September 2024.

Register your planned project with the Woodland Carbon Code and the Guarantee team now.


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