Template documents and tools



You will need the following documents:

Map | Example mapExample map with guidance notesGuidance 

Carbon Calculation Spreadsheet version 2.4.1 April 2024 (xlsx) | Carbon Calculation Guidance V2.4 March 2021 (pdf) 


You will need the following documents:

Project Design Document V2.2.1 April 2024 (docx) | Guidance 

Cashflow Spreadsheet V2.2.1 Nov 2022 (xlsx) 

Map | Example mapExample map with guidance notesNatural regeneration example map | Natural regeneration example map with guidance notes | Natural regeneration seedling survey example map | Natural regeneration seedling survey example map with guidance notes | Mapping guidance 

Carbon Calculation Spreadsheet Version 2.4.1 April 2024 (xlsx) | Carbon Calculation Guidance V2.4 March 2021 (pdf) | Example carbon calculations March 2021 (xlsx) 

Landowner Tenant and Agent Contact Details Form V2.1 March 2021 (docx)

Woodland Benefits Tool (xlsm) | Woodland Benefits Tool guidance (pdf) 

Environmental registry communications agreement



You will need the following documents:

Project Progress Report V2.2.1 April 2024 (docx) | Guidance 

Landowner Tenant and Agent Contact Details Form V2.1 March 2021 (docx)

Year 5 survey

Year 5 Monitoring Report V2.1.1 April 2024 (xlsx) With space for up to 30 seedlings/plot and survey sheet fits on A4 


Year 5 Monitoring Report V2.1.1 April 2024_60 lines (xlsx) With space for up to 60 seedlings/plot

Survey Protocol V2.1.1 April 2024 (pdf) | Guidance

Year 15+ field survey

Year 15+ Monitoring Report Pilot V2.1 March 2021 (xlsx) | Survey Protocol V2.1.1 April 2024 (pdf) | Guidance



You will need the following document:

Project Progress Report V2.2.1 April 2024 (docx) | Guidance 


Report a loss between verification events

If you experience a loss of all or part of your woodland, submit a loss report within six months to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Loss Event Report Template V2.1 March 2021 (doc) | Guidance



Claimant Dispute Form (docx) | Guidance

Further guidance and advice

How to apply

Woodland Carbon Code guidance

Advice on the Woodland Carbon Code: info@woodlandcarboncode.org.uk

Help with Markit Registry: MK-EnvironmentalRegistry@ihsmarkit.com


We’ve provided clarifications to the current version of the code.

Please read clarification 1 alongside Woodland Carbon Code Version 2.2.


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