Milton of Mathers

About the site
Carbon Buyers - Why buy from this project?
Landowners - Why get involved in the WCC?
Who is involved?
How we go about it
Wider benefits


Milton of Mathers Map

Unique ID: 103000000004416

Status: Verified - Year 5

Project Location: Milton of Mathers, Montrose, Angus

Previous Land Use: Rough grazing for cattle

Species Mix: Oak 40%, Birch 17%, Ash 11%, Aspen 8% Alder 5%, Wych elm 3%, Hazel, Holly, Willow, Elder (4% each).

Woodland Management:  Minimum Intervention:  Management only for access and minor firewood removal

Net Planted Area: 17.4 ha

Start Date: Planting commenced 1/04/2008

Estimated Sequestration: Over 70 years the project will sequester 7,838 tCO2e (of which 6,662 tCO2e is for sale, 1,176 tCO2e goes to the buffer)

Project Developer: James Hepburne Scott, Forest Carbon Ltd

About the Site

Milton of Mathers, near St Cyrus, Aberdeenshire, is mainly an arable farm of 240 hectares, where cropping includes potatoes. The new woodland occupies two small valleys or dens which could not be cultivated, and were previously used for wintering cattle. The woodland now enhances the farm shoot.

Milton of Mathers TGIC May11 2

Milton of Mathers in May 2011

Landowners - Why get involved in the WCC?

Jim Reid, owner, says:

We finished planting in Spring 2009 and already we know we have a wood as it is establishing so well. This was a major decision for land-use change and we are now in no doubt that we made the right decision. We used to winter cattle in these steep-sided dens and the rapid re-colonisation of ground flora since stock removal has amazed us. The resulting bird life is easy to see, and we suspect that the less visible insect and invertebrate life is also improving rapidly and this will have great benefit for life in the burns as well.  We believe that the site's relatively sheltered location, in spite of its proximity to the shore, makes the new habitat particularly valuable and attractive to wildlife

In this area if intensive arable farming, trees are scarce so this woodland is of significant scale, yet its valley situation makes it unobtrusive in the landscape'.

Who is involved?

Forest Carbon developed this carbon project on behalf of the landowner, Messrs JD Reid and Partners.  The woodland creation and management is overseen the Scottish Agricultural College.

Forest Carbon's client, The Green Insurance Company have purchased carbon units on behalf of drivers holding their car insurance policies.


 Minister visits Milton of Mathers, the first Woodland Carbon Code project to be Validated, Feb 2011.


How are we going about it?

A 17.4 hectare native woodland has been created which will be managed with minimum intervention, maintaining access and removing a small amount of firewood.  Plenty of open space has been left so that it's possible to enjoy walking around the new woods and the archaeology and important plant communities will be maintained as the woodland establishes.

The project was created for carbon benefit, but also to improve biodiversity and to stabilise the banks of the watercourse.  The new woodland enhances the farm shoot as well.

Milton Of Mathers Late 2016 2 500

Milton of Mathers in late 2016. Photo: Forest Carbon Ltd

What are the wider benefits?

Wider Landscape

In this area of intensive arable farming, trees are scarce so this woodland is of significant scale, yet its valley situation makes it unobtrusive in the landscape.


Scores (out of 5) for the wider benefits provided by Milton of Mathers. Scores calculated using the WCC Woodland Benefits Tool.

Milton of Mathers WBT Scores 


The project was created for carbon benefit, but also to improve biodiversity. Important plant communities will be maintained as the woodland establishes. Part of the site is a designated SSSI.



It is hoped that the new woodland will stabilise the banks of the watercourse. It will also prevent diffuse pollution from livestock and arable field run-off.



Plenty of open space has been left so that it's possible to enjoy walking around the new woods and the archaeology.



The woodland will be managed with minimum intervention, removing a small amount of firewood.




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