Caledonian Woodland Carbon Scheme

About the site
Carbon Buyers - Why buy from this project?
Landowners - Why get involved in the WCC?
Who is involved?
How we go about it
Wider benefits


Unique ID: 104000000012992
Status:  Validated / Active
Project Developer: Galbraith Forestry Consultants
Project Location: Bishopbriggs, East Dumbartonshire
Previous Land Use: Rough grazing and arable use
New woodland area: Gross area 35.96ha  Net area: 32.6ha Open ground: 3.36ha
Species Mix:  Conifer and broadleaved mix:  Sitka Spruce 16.7%, Norway Spruce 2.2%, Douglas Fir 2.2%, Scots Pine 1%, Downy Birch 19.4%, Oak 3.9%, Sycamore 11.7%, Beech 3.9% and other mixed native Broadleaves 39%
Woodland Management: Continuous cover regime
Estimated Sequestration: Total 12,992 tCO2e over 100 years, of which 11,043 tCO2e is for sale, 1,949 tCO2e will go to the WCC Buffer.
Start Date: Planting completed May 2015.

About the site

The Caledonian woodland sites are located close to Bishopbriggs in Central Scotland, in a peri-urban situation. The sites contribute significantly to the local landscape character of arable fields interspersed with small, mixed woodlands, industrial sites and residential areas. The topography is relatively flat and the climate locally is damp and cool with typically Scottish median levels of rainfall and temperature.

caledonian woodland carbon scheme landscape

The landscape around the Caledonian Woodland Carbon project.  Photo:  Galbraith. 

Carbon buyers - Why buy from this project?

This scheme is particularly valuable, as in addition to sequestering carbon, all the woodland sites are within 1km of a settlement with a population of over 2000 people. The objectives of the woodland creation project are to create accessible, high amenity value mixed woodland that can be enjoyed by a variety of users and deliver important wider environmental benefits such as reducing noise and particulate pollution for residential areas.

Landowners - Why get involved in the WCC?

Caledonian Properties Ltd chose to do a Woodland Carbon Code project due to the credibility associated with being part of the standard and as a means of making the creation of new, relatively small-scale woodlands more financially viable on the estate.  The owners recognise the value of quantifying and certifying the carbon sequestered in their woodland creation scheme as they monitor and review their own carbon emissions and are aware of the increasing importance of accounting for this. 

Who is involved?

The Owner, Caledonian Properties Ltd, discussed the possibility of planting trees on this ground with their forestry consultants Galbraith, who highlighted the opportunity to seek certification of the associated carbon sequestration through the Woodland Carbon Code.

How did we go about it?

The Caledonian Woodland Carbon sites consist of a diverse mixture of both conifers and broadleaves, which is intended to reflect the species mix in woods locally. The sites were previously used for agriculture, including arable crops, so the soils are moderately fertile and capable of growing a wide range of species. The sites were rabbit and deer fenced to provide protection from browsing herbivores, including the sizeable local population of Roe deer. They were prepared and planted by machine and further maintenance such as weeding and beat up planting has been undertaken by local contractors.  These sites will be managed under a thin-only regime, so woodland cover will be maintained indefinitely. Thinning will be used to enhance stability and create structural and age diversity in the future.

caledonian woodland carbon scheme young oakA young oak planted at the Caledonian Woodland Carbon project.  Photo:  Galbriath. 

What are the wider benefits?

These woodlands were designed with the local landscape character in mind so fit well within the surrounding patchwork of fields, small woodlands, industrial features and residential sites. Many of the tree species included are fairly fast growing so will soon provide an attractive backdrop to local informal recreation such as dog-walking and cycling, enabling local residents to easily access an attractive green space close to a semi-urbanised environment.

Another benefit will be amelioration of sound pollution by virtue of growing trees acting as barriers to traffic noise from the M80 and local ‘A’ class roads. These will also act as a ‘sponge’ for any particulate pollution.

In addition, the woodlands will provide additional cover and food sources for birds and other animals, so supporting local biodiversity.




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