Buccleuch Group
About the site
Carbon Buyers - Why buy from this project?
Landowners - Why get involved in the WCC?
Who is involved?
How we go about it
Wider benefits
Unique ID: 103000000000748
Status: Validated
Project Developer: Forest Carbon
Project Location: Dumfries and Galloway, Scottish Borders and Northamptonshire
Previous Land Use: Marginal hill grazing, mainly bracken land (Scotland) and arable grassland (Northamptonshire)
New woodland: 93.3 ha Planted
Species Mix: 35% Sitka spruce, 4% Hybrid larch and Scots pine, 61% native broadleaves, principally oak, birch, and ash, with smaller areas of alder, rowan, willow, wild cherry and woody shrubs
Woodland Management: A wide range of management types, ranging from commercial conifer production on a clear fell basis, through continuous cover management of broadleaves through to minimum intervention native woodlands.
Estimated Sequestration: 71,942 tCO2e over 100 years
Start Date: Planting was completed in 2012
About the site
This group scheme comprises a range of sites on the Buccleuch estates. Nine are on the Drumlanrig estate near Thornhill in Dumfries and Galloway, one is on the Bowhill Estate near Selkirk, in the Scottish Borders and one is on the Boughton Estate in Northamptonshire. The sites range from small farm woodlands to extensive new commercial woodlands, including both conifers and broadleaves on marginal hill land.
Coshogle, Buccleuch Group in 2013: Large scale planting of broadleaves on marginal hill land in Dumfries and Galloway. Picture: Forest Carbon Ltd
Carbon buyers - Why buy from this project?
The majority of the carbon from these projects has been sold upfront to a number of companies, including Marks and Spencer, Stagecoach, The Green Insurance Company, and a number of smaller businesses.
Coshogle, Buccleuch Group in 2013: The Green Insurance Company have purchased carbon rights from this project. Picture: Forest Carbon Ltd.
Landowners - Why get involved in the WCC?
The Buccleuch Estates have a long history of forestry management going back several centuries. Their woodland holdings extend to more than 10,000 hectares, all of which are covered by long term management plans and certified to UKWAS (the United Kingdom Woodland Assurance Standard). The Estates have a reputation for professional and innovative management practices. Involvement in the Woodland Carbon Code has enabled more land to be made available for woodland creation.
The project was a significant one in the development of the Woodland Carbon Code as it was the first group scheme to come forwards for validation. Jim Colchester, Buccleuch Estates Woodlands Enterprise Manager commented,
“We were delighted to help develop the group validation scheme by piloting it. The scheme will help to open Code to many participants looking to create smaller carbon woodlands who might otherwise not be able to contribute to combating climate change and improving the environment in this very worthwhile way.”
Crairieknowe, Buccleuch Group in 2010: A number of smaller buyers have purchased carbon units from this project. Picture: Forest Carbon
Who is involved?
Buccleuch Estates worked in partnership with Forest Carbon, a UK based company specialising in woodland carbon projects. Forest Carbon prepared the Project Design Documentation and carried out the necessary carbon calculations, steered the project through the validation process, and matched investors to the various projects.
How did we go about it?
The woodlands were designed by the Buccleuch Forestry team and planted using estate staff and contract labour. In each case, the effect on the whole estate and on surrounding land uses was taken into account from the start.
Gallows Knowe, Buccleuch Group in 2012: Productive spruce woodland, locking up carbon for the Stagecoach company. Picture: Forest Carbon Ltd.
What are the wider benefits?
All of the projects will involve cessation of grazing and permanent removal of livestock and deer. This will result in an improvement of woodland vegetation where light levels permit and of woodland bird and invertebrate species. In most cases it will result in riparian improvement and elimination of diffuse pollution. All of the projects will provide public access. In the case of Boughton none existed before. Most sites are intended for timber production which will help preserve rural employment and provide sustainable materials and wood-fuel.
Auchenhessnane, Buccleuch Group in 2011 – a small farm woodland near Thornhill, where Marks and Spencer have purchased the majority of the carbon rights. Picture: Forest Carbon Ltd.