4 Gesto

About the site
Carbon Buyers - Why buy from this project?
Landowners - Why get involved in the WCC?
Who is involved?
How we go about it
Wider benefits


Unique ID: 103000000000187
Status: Verified / Year 5              
Project Developer: Highfield Forestry           
Project Location: Bracadale, Skye    
Previous Land Use: Livestock Grazing   
New Woodland Area: Gross: 71ha, Net planted: 53.7ha, Open: 17.3ha
Species Mix: 40% Birch, 30% Alder, 15% Rowan, 10% Hazel, 5% Willow  
Woodland Management: Minimal intervention with fence maintenance and deer control.
Estimated Sequestration: 27,213 tCO2e over 100 years, of which 22,587 tCO2e is for sale, 4,626 tCO2e to the buffer.          
Start Date: Planted Feb - Nov 2015.

About the site

The project is based in Bracadale, on the west coast of Skye.  The site had been heavily grazed by livestock in previous years.  The native woodland creation will improve woodland habitat networks throughout the area, providing links between other established areas of woodland. 

4 Gesto site prior to planting in 2015The 4 Gesto site prior to planting in 2015.  Picture:  Highfield Forestry

Carbon buyers - Why buy from this project?

The carbon from this project is already sold. 

Highfield Forestry, the project developer advertised the carbon 'for sale' on a 'shop window' in the UK Land Carbon Registry, managed by Markit (it is known as the 'Request for Information Platform, and has 'for sale' and 'wanted' pages like Gumtree').  Through this platform they found a buyer in a short period; Forest Carbon purchased the carbon on behalf of their partner Allstar Business Solutions, the UK's largest fuel card supplier.

Landowners - Why get involved in the WCC?

James Ramsay, project developer says:

"Subscribing to the Woodland Carbon Code provides an additional source of finance for landowners, enabling marginal, economically borderline schemes to be afforested.  It is another reason to encourage new planting in the UK"

"The owner of 4 Gesto has an interest in carbon forestry and was keen to get involved as the new mechanism developed.  It also generated another capital contribution for this native woodland, which enabled it to proceed"

Who is involved?

Initially, Highfield Forestry developed this project on behalf of the owner.  In 2015, Forest Carbon took over the ongoing role of project developer.

How did we go about it?

The site was initially enclosed by deer fence, to exclude grazing animals and enable young trees to grow.  The fencing was planned sensitively to ensure that it did not affect the local Golden Eagle population and work was scheduled to avoid disturbing them during sensitive times of the year.

The UK Forestry Standard was adhered to during the design and establishment of the native woodland.  The ground was prepared, and trees planted, by a national contractor. 

4 Gesto ground preparation in 2015

Ground Preparation at 4 Gesto in 2015.  Picture:  Highfield Forestry

What are the wider benefits?

Wider Landscape

The conversion of this heavily grazed upland site to native woodland will link up existing forest plantations to form a larger more diverse area.


Scores (out of 5) for the wider benefits provided by 4 Gesto. Scores calculated using the WCC Woodland Benefits Tool.

4 Gesto WBT Score



The new woodland will reduce pressure of grazing animals on ground flora, create a habitat for invertebrate species and allow bird and animal species to flourish. Golden Eagles are expected to benefit from the project, as the creation of native woodland will provide important habitat for prey species, and the open structure of the native woodland and the large area of designed open ground will provide valuable hunting grounds.



The woodland is planned to protect and enhance the riparian areas within the site, increasing their biodiversity value.



The new native woodland will enhance the highly visible mountainous landscape on Skye, increasing its value as a tourist and recreation destination.



Increasing native broadleaf woodland cover increases the area’s value as a tourist destination.



Useful sites

Highfield Forestry

Forest Carbon Ltd

On Markit Registry:

4 Gesto

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