Green Investment Bank

What is the Green Investment Bank?

When did you become involved?

How many projects are you involved with?

Why did you decide to buy from Woodland Carbon Code projects?

How has it benefitted your company?

What is the Green Investment Bank?

The UK Green Investment Bank Plc was launched in November 2012 with £3.8 billion of funding from the UK Government and a mission to accelerate the UK's transition to a greener economy, make a profit and create an institution that will operate independently of the government.

When did you become involved?

The Green Investment Bank has been working with Forest Carbon since 2013.

How many projects are you involved with?

So far, by the end of 2014, Green Investment Bank had invested in three different projects around its headquarters site in Edinburgh. The latest of these is Parkhead 2, an award winning community woodland on the edge of West Calder. In October seven staff members, including Chief Executive Shaun Kingsbury, spent a day planting 300 trees on the banks of the Eddleston River as part of a project designed to alleviate flooding in Eddleston village and Peebles further down-stream. This project is managed by Tweed Forum, a charity leading integrated land and water management in the Tweed catchment.  The Green Investment Bank has also bought carbon from the projects Parkhead 1 and Topps Wood.

Green Investment Bank at Shiplaw October 2014 1

Green Investment Bank Staff at Parkhead 2: Eddleston flood mitigation project in October 2014.  Photo: Forest Carbon Ltd.

Why did you decide to buy from Woodland Carbon Code projects?

Emma Strong of the Green Team at the Green Investment Bank said:

“The Green Investment Bank is committed to ‘double-offsetting’ our carbon emissions through UK tree planting projects as well as internationally accredited offsets. Forest Carbon offers us access to Woodland Carbon Code credits which go beyond just carbon by providing demonstrable social and ecological benefits through woodland creation.”

Green Investment Bank at Shiplaw October 2014 2

Green Investment Bank staff enjoying a tree planting day at Parkhead 2: Eddleston flood mitigation project in October 2014. 

Photo:  Forest Carbon Ltd.


How has it benefitted your company?

Emma Strong said:

“As part of our commitment to the UK we were very keen to plant some of these trees ourselves and we had a great day contributing to part of the exciting re-meandering project at Eddleston, kindly organised for us by Forest Carbon. It left us all feeling invigorated and we look forward to seeing the great progress of this project in the coming years.”

green investment bank logo


Useful sites

Green Investment Bank

Forest Carbon

Projects Green Investment Bank has purchased from - on the registry

Tweed Forum

Parkhead 2

Parkhead 1

Topps Wood


More information

Find out more about companies which have bought Woodland Carbon Code units in the UK Land Carbon Registry by viewing:

•  Holdings to see who has carbon units in their account

•  Assigned credits to see other companies which have purchased Pending Issuance Units

•  'Retired credits' to see who has retired/used verified Woodland Carbon Units

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