Bilfinger GVA

Who is Bilfinger GVA?

When did you become involved?

How many projects are you involved with?

Why did you decide to buy from Woodland Carbon Code projects?

How has it benefitted your company?

Who is Bilfinger GVA?

Bilfinger GVA is the UK’s leading real estate advisory business providing a range of commercial property advice and services to clients in the private and public sectors.  Chris Whetstone, Corporate Responsibility Manager, tells us about their involvement with the Woodland Carbon Code.

When did you become involved?

Bilfinger GVA has been working with the Woodland Trust since 2014, to compensate over time for carbon dioxide emissions produced as part of its daily business operations. The company buys carbon equivalent to 2,000 tonnes of CO2 every year that it cannot reduce from its office energy use. Over the course of the last two years its contributions have led to thousands of native trees being planted across the country.  From 2016 Bilfinger GVA will be increasing the scope of its mitigation project to include emissions from business car mileage.

Warcop 2011 350The WCC project at Warcop, Cumbria in 2011.  Photo:  Woodland Trust

How many projects are you involved with?

To date Bilfinger GVA has funded the planting of trees at Warcop, a site in Cumbria which is used by the military to train soldiers. The site is home to a rare colony of dormice so not only is Bilfinger GVA’s support boosting the environment it is also helping to preserve wildlife!

soldiers walk through new woodland at warcop 2011 250Soldiers training in the new woodland at Warcop, Cumbria.  Photo:  Woodland Trust 

Why did you decide to buy from Woodland Carbon Code projects?

The Woodland Carbon Code gives us the opportunity to give something back to the environment. The scheme enables us to mitigate our operational CO2 footprint through a recognised program of creating and developing our national woodlands.

How has it benefitted your company?

The benefits to Bilfinger GVA include:

  • Strengthening our existing environmental stewardship program
  • Through tree planting days, developing staff awareness of our impacts on the environment as well as how we can be a positive influence.
  • Developing stronger environmental awareness message to our value chain.

 Bilfinger GVA 250


Useful sites

Bilfinger GVA UK

Woodland Trust

Projects Bilfinger has purchased from - on the registry


More information

Find out more about companies which have bought Woodland Carbon Code units in the UK Land Carbon Registry by viewing:

•  Holdings to see who has carbon units in their account

•  Assigned credits to see other companies which have purchased Pending Issuance Units

•  'Retired credits' to see who has retired/used verified Woodland Carbon Units

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