Allstar Business Solutions

Who is Allstar?
When did you become involved?
How many projects are you involved with?
Why did you decide to buy from Woodland Carbon Code projects?

Who is Allstar?

Allstar Business Solutions, part of the Fleetcor group, is the UK’s largest supplier of fuel card services to the private and public sector. Allstar cards are used by more than 38,000 businesses and 1.1 million drivers in the UK and can be used at more than 7,600 fuel sites around the country.

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Allstar's Susannah Todd, Stephanie Teasdale and Natalie Rew at the Madresfield project site in 2015.  Photo:  Forest Carbon Ltd

When did you become involved?

Allstar Business Solution’s Ecopoint scheme, launched in January 2015, brings cost-effective and simplified carbon capture to thousands of businesses across the UK. The programme is designed to enable Allstar’s wide customer base to easily measure the carbon footprint of their card holders, and turn the aggregated carbon into UK woodlands through a coordinated mitigation programme.

How many projects are you involved with?

Allstar have bought from 44 projects so far including;

  • Madresfield - a 5 hectare native broadleaf woodland on the outskirts of Great Malvern, which is predicted to sequester 1,640 tonnes CO2e over its lifetime.
  • Glen Estate, just outside Innerleithen - 26 hectares of broadleaves at  in the Scottish Borders, predicted to sequester 8,977 tonnes CO2e over the project lifetime
  • 4 Gesto, Isle of Skye - 53 hectares of non-intervention habitat creation which will sequester almost 23,000 tonnes of CO2e over its lifetime

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Forest Carbon's Steve Prior and Brian Flood of Allstar celebrate the planting of one million trees under the EcoPoint programme, in April 2016.  Photo:  Forest Carbon Ltd

Why did you decide to buy from Woodland Carbon Code projects?

Allstar decided on a programme of UK woodland creation and management on behalf of Ecopoint subscribers because of the multiple and local benefits UK woodlands offer in addition to carbon capture – no other form of carbon credit, nationally or internationally, offers additional benefits in this way.  Allstar’s motivation in researching the possibility of operating such a programme was its awareness that vehicular emissions account for a significant proportion of the UK national carbon inventory. Ecopoint was also designed to make life simple for cardholders – in recognition of the fact that many businesses would want to take some sort of action on their environmental impacts, but would lack the resource to look into and administer an internal programme.

Allstar’s Brian Flood, Vice President of Networks and Product, said of the programme: 

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 “As a part of the fuel industry, you can’t help but be aware that vehicle emissions are a big part of the UK’s carbon footprint, and that most businesses want to do something about that. We were in a unique position, given our reach and the collected buying power of our customers, to put together a strong intervention. We have been thrilled with the take up from customers, and the local impacts we are and will be making over the coming years.”



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More information

Find out more about companies which have bought Woodland Carbon Code units in the UK Land Carbon Registry by viewing:

•  Holdings to see who has carbon units in their account

•  Assigned credits to see other companies which have purchased Pending Issuance Units

•  'Retired credits' to see who has retired/used verified Woodland Carbon Units

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