Company emissions reduction strategies and use of carbon credits

Ecosystem Marketplace's All in on Climate: The Role of Carbon Credits in Corporate Climate Strategies (October 2023) demonstrates actions companies are taking to address their emissions. Buyers of voluntary carbon credits are more likely than those who do not purchase credits to:

  • Decarbonise year-on-year and invest in emissions reduction efforts within their value chain
  • Have supplier engagement strategies
  • Have a science-based climate target
  • Have board oversight of their climate transition plans
  • Include Scope 3 emissions in their climate target

Trove Research's Corporate Emission Performance and the Use of Carbon Credits (June 2023) shows that companies that are material users of carbon credits decarbonise twice as fast (6% pa from 2017 to 2022) as those that do not use carbon credits (3% pa from 2017 to 2022).

Part of the Nature Returns Programme led by Natural England in close partnership with the Environment Agency, Forestry Commission and RBG Kew, Wakehurst. This Shared Outcomes Funded Programme is sponsored by Defra and DESNZ. 


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